Monday, 29 July 2013

Pumps Manufactures in India Through Their Quality Products Are Capturing International Market

Pumps are the vital elements in an enormous range of fluid handling applications & range from small household pumps to immense units utilized in the water, chemical and energy industries. Pump performance requirements and duties vary considerably in terms of material of construction, wide range of temperature, pressure, viscosity, density etc. Pumps are employed in almost all the industries.

A pump is a device that raises or transfers fluids. Pumps are selected for processes not only to raise and transfer fluids, but also to meet some other criteria. This other criteria may be constant flow rate or constant pressure. There are two main categories of pumps and they are dynamic pump and positive displacement pump. The selection of the pump class and type for a certain application is influenced by system requirements, system layout, fluid characteristics, intended life, energy cost, code requirements, and materials of construction. Due to various reasons Pump industry in India is growing in leaps and bounds. 

The proverbial “when one door closes another starts to open” is transforming the services industry. Pump manufacturers are looking at the service industry in a whole new light as pump industry growth slows and the servicing industry growth rate surges ahead. The pump market is in a mature stage with nominal growth expected, while the service industry is expected to grow at a stronger rate. 

This can be attributed to a quantum change in thinking at the shop floor and management level, with plant managers and executives realizing that the initial cost of purchase of a pump is just a fraction of the total cost of ownership (TCO), which includes the installation, repair and maintenance, field testing and other inherent costs. 

Pump Manufactures in India are successfully manufacturing Pumps of different materials for following industries

1. Oil and gas
 2. Food and beverage
 3. Automotive
 4. Power generation
5. Chemical
 6. Pharmaceutical
7. Water and wastewater

Globalization, which has opened the doors of India to multinationals, coupled with growing concerns of pollution control, water and waste –water treatment, and demand for energy –efficient systems have changed the scenario completely. Pump manufactures in India are continuously improving to enhance productivity, quality and service to customer. What seems today to be stable product lines with an indefinite future stand a good chance of being superseded and phased out. Good business planning therefore must include the engineering expertise that has made such business possible in the past and will without doubt continue to do so in the future. Looking at ten years now, the global pump industry through 2015 is on upswing - but only in specific market segments. The deep structural changes we see happening have only just begun.

Skills and caliber of the Indian joint venture partner that the multinational company acquired the Indian company. Globalization of Indian economy offers to the world an array of outsourcing options for the global pump market. Manufactures in India are using various metals in manufacturing Pumps for various industries, but one manufactured by Banco Aluminium are considered to be of superior quality.

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